Current version: 0.2.12 (2024/08/10)

What’s New in This Version

  • Browsers that don't support the Web Audio API can now use the app, but will be unable to play word and verse audio.

Known Issues in This Version

  • None, yet.
Contact @AtomicQuran on X/Twitter or email [email protected] to report issues.

To Do

  • Improve SEO
  • Improve UI/UX
  • Dark mode/theme customization settings
  • Release on app stores
  • Site-wide localized language
  • Highlight words while verse audio is playing
  • Play sound of each letter
  • Color code Practice vs Challenge
  • Add exporting and importing of saved progress
  • Add toggle to view only sections which are in progress
  • Educational articles/tutorials/courses
  • Daily challenge
  • Collapsible on-page keyboard
  • Authentication and user accounts with cloud saved progress and stats
  • Leaderboards, speed runs, live competitions
  • Analysis of words which need practice based on mistakes and hints used

0.2.11 (2024/07/13)

  • New confirm dialog
  • Wrong letters pressed while waiting for loading won't count against you
  • Fixed another map display issue and bug in Page rounds

0.2.10 (2024/07/10)

  • Added missing bismillahs before chapters
  • Added Arabic surah names to home page
  • Improved end of ayah marking

0.2.9 (2024/07/10)

  • Reduced page size
  • New completion sound

0.2.8 (2024/07/05)

  • New keyboard sounds

0.2.7 (2024/07/04)

  • Major SEO improvements and a bug fix

0.2.6 (2024/07/01)

  • Fixed map not loading on page refresh

0.2.5 (2024/06/24)

  • Major UX improvements

0.2.4 (2024/06/22)

  • Added footer
  • Moved Map view to separate page
  • Bug fixes and improvements

0.2.3 (2024/05/29)

  • Map now links to Atomic Quran as well as other sites where you can read the selected section
  • "chapter" and "verse" no longer used in URL schemes to work towards being more language agnostic
  • Map position and selection of map vs list view is remembered
  • Bug fixes and improvements

0.2.2 (2024/05/27)

  • Quran Map can now be grouped 5 different ways for better visualization. Colors need reworking.
  • Fixed broken link in shared challenge results.

0.2.1 (2024/05/23)

  • Quran Map beta is here. No interactivity yet

0.2.0 (2024/04/13)

  • Added error notification for invalid verse in 'by verse' selection menu
  • The word you failed on is displayed after failing a challenge

0.1.21 (2024/04/10)

  • Bug fixes

0.1.20 (2024/04/08)

  • Home page sections now collapsible

0.1.19 (2024/04/06)

  • Improved progress percentage accuracy
  • Last practice/challenge selection is remembered

0.1.18 (2024/03/23)

  • Added custom keymapping

0.1.17 (2024/03/17)

  • Simplified selection of challenge/practice mode

0.1.16 (2024/03/06)

  • Fixed Challenge mode triggering upon refresh

0.1.15 (2024/03/04)

  • Added Challenge mode
  • Improved Home page UI
  • Reduced size of local saves

0.1.14 (2024/02/19)

  • Verse audio can now be stopped

0.1.13 (2024/02/18)

  • Improved verse audio play button
  • Word audio can now be played on demand by clicking on word

0.1.12 (2024/02/17)

  • Fixed progress not autosaving
  • Added option to not translate words

0.1.11 (2024/02/17)

  • Improved keyboard appearance
  • Fixed toast notification icons

0.1.10 (2024/02/14)

  • Added toast notifications for loading and saving progress

0.1.9 (2024/02/12)

  • Added system keyboard input

0.1.8 (2024/02/11)

  • Added infinite scroll through previously completed verses

0.1.7 (2024/02/02)

  • Added locally saved progress

0.1.6 (2024/01/23)

  • Added random verse

0.1.5 (2024/01/21)

  • Added progress bar

0.1.4 (2024/01/21)

  • Timer only starts after first key is pressed

0.1.3 (2024/01/21)

  • Added challenge by verse

0.1.2 (2024/01/17)

  • Verse number in end of verse key no longer off center
  • Verse number in end of verse key written in Indic numerals
  • Keypad scales uniformly at all screen sizes

0.1.1 (2024/01/16)

  • Added reset button - not yet useful
  • Many text scaling refinements
  • End of verse button contains the verse number that is about to be completed

0.1.0 (2024/01/06)

  • Added verse reciter setting
  • Fixed HTTP 500 error

0.0.11 (2024/01/05)

  • Removed empty horizontal scroll bars
  • Added shareable completion message
  • Added confetti

0.0.10 (2024/01/01)

  • Added challenge by page
  • Added contact email address

0.0.9 (2024/01/01)

  • Added hints

0.0.8 (2023/12/31)

  • Added settings menu
  • Added word translation language setting

0.0.7 (2023/12/30)

  • Unified fonts
  • Added full verse recitation audio
  • Only a limited number of completed verses are displayed

0.0.6 (2023/12/26)

  • Fixed broken keyboard layout

0.0.5 (2023/12/25)

  • Moved page titles to navbar
  • Improved keyboard layout
  • Updated About page

0.0.4 (2023/12/24)

  • Added translation below each word

0.0.3 (2023/12/22)

  • Fixed many issues
  • Added challenge by juz
  • Added completion sound effect
  • Added search engine description

0.0.2 (2023/12/21)

  • Fixed word audio issue in 0.0.1
  • Vastly improved internal logic

0.0.1 (2023/12/06)

  • Initial release!
© 2024 Atomic Quran Version 0.2.12