What is Atomic Quran?

The Qur'ān is normally interacted with through reading, listening or reciting. Atomic Quran is a new approach to studying the Qur'ān: writing (typing) each of its letters in the correct sequence. This forces you to learn the structure of each word down to its letters. Atomic Quran is another tool to add to the methods you use to study the Qur'ān.

Why "atomic"?

Breaking down something large into smaller "atomic" units is a great way to make those units, and thereby the whole, more manageable. Atomic Quran applies this principle to the rewarding task of learning the Qur'ān by breaking it down letter by letter - the "atoms" of the Qur'ān.

How do I use Atomic Quran?

Enter the letters of the Uthmani Qur'ān by pressing their corresponding buttons on the keyboard. The message ' [chapter number]:[verse number]:[word number]' above indicates what you should currently be typing. You will only be able to advance when you select the correct letter. When you are done with a word, press the space button to begin the next word. When you are done with a verse, press the enter, or end of verse, button on the right to complete the verse.

What's the difference between Practice and Challenge?

In Challenge mode you'll have to start over if you make too many mistakes. One mistake is forgiven for each completed verse. In Practice mode your mistakes are tallied but are of no consequence - you won't have to start over. Plus you can use hints.

I'm totally new to the Quran - where do I begin?

The Qur'ān, meaning "recitation", is a scripture revealed by God to Muhammad, peace be upon him, from 609 AD to 632 AD. It is comprised of 114 chapters in Arabic, a language spoken by hundreds of millions today. The Arabic of the Qur'ān is very similar to (and a major influence on) the Arabic spoken today. The Arabic alphabet (sometimes called an abjad) is written from right to left and though it may look daunting, it's incredibly easy to learn. Duolingo's Arabic lessons are a great way to get up to speed with the alphabet. From there, pick up a copy of the Qur'ān or go to quran.com and see how those letters come together in the script of the Qur'ān. With that knowledge, you can begin to challenge yourself with Atomic Quran ʾin shāʾ Allāh.

This doesn't look like the Quran text I usually read - what exactly am I typing?

Atomic Quran fetches the Uthmani script from the Quran.com API , itself sourced from the Tanzil Project, a digitalization of the Medina Mushaf, narration of Hafs. Your challenge is to type just the letters of this script without tashkīl , or phonetic guide marks. Placements of hamza must still be typed as hamza is considered a letter, not a tashkīl. Every character needed to represent this simplified Uthmani script is included in the on-page keyboard, and the full set of diacritical marks of the Uthmani script is added to a word once it is complete.

Why is the on-page keyboard like that?

Atomic Quran's on-page keyboard is a solution to provide a global audience of users with the ability to input the Arabic characters necessary to represent a simple Qur'ān script without having to set up their own Arabic keyboard. It is based on the iOS Arabic keyboard layout, and includes the 28 basic letters, tā' marbūṭa (ة), alif maqṣūrah/dotless yā (ى), and placements of hamza including seated hamzas (ؤ إ أ ئ) and the unseated hamza (ء). Each character has its own key instead of some characters being accessed by a shift key or long press like on a standard Arabic keyboard. The only other keys are a space key and the enter, or end of verse, key.

In addition to the on-page keyboard, you may use the Arabic keyboard you already have, set one up in your operating system, or create a keymapping from your current keyboard.

Can I use Atomic Quran to memorize the Quran?

Atomic Quran was originally envisioned as a memorization aid! However, becoming a hafiz - someone who has completely memorized the Qur'ān - requires command of oral recitation, with perfect elocution, or tajwīd. Memorizing how to type a skeleton of the Qur'ān is not enough. Getting good at Atomic Quran can be a great way to study, however.

Where are the audio and translation of each word from?

Audio and translations are courtesy of the Quran Foundation's Quran.com API. Consider making them a donation. Atomic Quran is not affiliated with the Quran Foundation.

Where is the rest of the data from?

All other data such as the text used to produce the Map is courtesy of the Tanzil Project.

How can I contact the atomicquran.com team?

Atomic Quran can be found on X/Twitter at @AtomicQuran. You are also welcome to email [email protected].

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